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Alterac Mountains:
.go 0 -74.6376 201.212 53.2755 Lordamere Internment Camp
.go 0 258 351 41.9076 Dalaran Inside the Dome
.go 0 386.938 212.299 43.6994 Dalaran Ruins
.go 0 1239.12 -286.705 42.4764 The Uplands
.go 0 679.813 -965.173 164.598 Strahnbrad
.go 0 522.608 -275.392 150.689 Ruins of Alterac

Arathi Highlands:
.go 0 -2086.88 -2074.57 5.72927 Faldir's Cove
.go 0 -1969.08 -2789.04 81.2105 Boulderfist Hall
.go 0 -1505.51 -3030.52 12.627 Go'Shek Farm
.go 0 -1763.41 -3371.67 40.609 Witherbark Village
.go 0 -950.584 -3533.13 71.8318 Hammerfall
.go 0 -1065.89 -2905.56 42.0958 Dabyrie's Farmstead
.go 0 -1262.79 -2521.75 20.8021 Refuge Pointe
.go 0 -797.235 -2068.95 33.8337 Northfold Manor
.go 0 -863.118 -1784.72 39.6118 Circle of West Binding
.go 0 -839.599 -1590.32 54.1962 Thoradin's Wall
.go 0 -1661.42 -1804.2 83.0723 Stormgarde Keep
.go 0 -1529.75 -2166.7 17.3717 Circle of Inner Binding
.go 0 -1354.4 -2738.07 58.9657 Circle of Outer Binding
.go 0 -842.604 -3270.04 78.3588 Circle of East Binding

.go 0 -6092.32 -3214.55 262.727 Excavatin Site
.go 0 -6411.58 -3409.85 241.537 Hamertoe's Digsite
.go 0 -6247.73 -3776.6 249.06 Camp Cosh
.go 0 -6935.86 -4092.06 285.906 Lethlor Ravine
.go 0 -7033.94 -3669.89 245.91 Camp Boff
.go 0 -7027.81 -3330.11 241.51 Agmond's End
.go 0 -7147.67 -2430.87 240.51 Camp Cagg
.go 0 -6894.29 -2465.82 247.978 Apocryphan's Rest
.go 0 -6675.96 -2188.29 246.152 Kargath Orc Outpost
.go 0 -6380.77 -3139.89 301.111 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
.go 0 -5829.66 -2585.59 311.971 Two Giant Sitting Dwarfs

Blasted Lands:
.go 0 -10859 -2663.38 7.80049 Orc Outpost
.go 0 -11272.8 -2547.59 102.02 Altar of Storms
.go 0 -11853.6 -3197.44 -27.2186 Dark Portal
.go 0 -11033 -3095.22 89.8189 Azureload Human Town

Burning Steppes:
.go 0 -7924.68 -2624.44 220.958 Dreadmaul Rock
.go 0 -8066.68 -1621.66 132.982 Giant Orc Statue
.go 0 -7613.13 -761.492 190.807 Altar of Storms
.go 0 -7468 -1082 896 Top of Blackrock Mountain

Darrowmere Lake:
.go 0 1234.83 -2118.49 50.8011 Darrowmere Lake
.go 0 1125.31 -2541.35 78.3562 Caer Darrow The Dark Portal

Dun Morogh:
.go 0 -5475.44 -2425.32 413.455 Dwarf Outpost
.go 0 -5231.95 -2366.98 398.807 Dwarf Outpost
.go 0 -5607.39 -1984.16 396.373 Helm's Bed Lake
.go 0 -5826.35 -1586.57 364.269 Gol'Bolar Quarry
.go 0 -5582.32 -463.982 402 Kharanos
.go 0 -5470.37 -662.312 392.674 Steelgrill's Depot
.go 0 -5353.18 -1043.02 394.772 Misty Pine Refuge
.go 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 City of Ironforge
.go 0 -6325.7 294.835 379.791 Coldridge Valley
.go 0 -6110.8 388.517 395.542 Anvilmar
.go 0 -5368.81 319.498 394.123 Brewnall Village
.go 0 -5259.74 107.593 392.567 Iceflow Lake
.go 0 -5179.58 660.421 388.391 Gnomeregan

.go 0 -10649.7 -884.01 50.8196 Brightwood Grove
.go 0 -10385 -424.696 63.534 Twilight Grove
.go 0 -11105.4 -500.791 32.8518 Yorgen Farmstead
.go 0 -11069.3 -927.315 63.502 The Rotting Orchard
.go 0 -10993.3 -1331.19 52.7805 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
.go 0 -10567.5 -1169.86 29.0826 Dark Shire
.go 0 -10435.4 -1809.28 98.3851 Deadwind Pass
.go 0 -10750.1 323.644 38.0417 Raven Hill
.go 0 -10316.7 342.295 59.6454 Ravenhill Cemetery
.go 0 -10992.6 268.794 27.5101 Addle's Stead
.go 0 -10359.9 -1531.75 91.5352 Beggar's Haunt
.go 0 -11078.9 -2078.53 206.878 Medivh's Tower

Eastern Plaguelands:
.go 0 2433.31 -3782.06 185.472 Ziggaraut
.go 0 2016.11 -4486.36 73.6226 Village
.go 0 2823.83 -3727.76 124.971 Ziggaraut in Mushroom Field
.go 0 3097.32 -3562.77 134.093 Slaughterhouse in Mushroom Field
.go 0 3653.67 -3609.77 137.118 Unknown City
.go 0 3452.83 -4992.61 196.981 Cool Temple
.go 0 2719.29 -5479.3 159.542 Slaughterhouse
.go 0 1612.63 -5524.9 111.148 Tyr's Hand

Elwynn Forest:
.go 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
.go 0 -8951.62 524.373 96.6275 Valley of Heroes
.go 0 -8852.03 652.878 96.46 Stormwind Trade District
.go 0 -8675.39 635.774 96.9275 Stormwind Canals
.go 0 -8662.9 498.212 100.833 Stormwind Old Town
.go 0 -8635.62 762.727 103.667 Stormwind Cathedral Square
.go 0 -8513.49 861.197 111.039 Stormwind Cathedral of Light
.go 0 -9007.65 870.424 148.618 Stormwind Wizard's Sanctum
.go 0 -8896.36 834.148 99.5207 Stormwind Mage Quarter
.go 0 -8937.08 640.4 100.645 Stormwind Bank
.go 0 -9043.76 -41.5906 88.3589 Northshire Valley
.go 0 -9092.38 -368.684 73.6163 Northshire Vineyards
.go 0 -9443.45 59.8944 56.0704 Goldshire
.go 0 -9355.84 537.441 52.5171 Mirror Lake
.go 0 -9469.08 467.583 54.0913 Mirror Lake Orchard
.go 0 -9646.46 679.589 37.4136 Forest's Edge
.go 0 -9964.72 391.509 35.6555 The Stonefiled Farm
.go 0 -9881.4 88.8972 33.3196 The Maclure Vineyards
.go 0 -9462.99 -161.312 60.7274 Crystal Lake
.go 0 -9769.82 -811.712 40.9564 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
.go 0 -9549 -1407.04 54.7673 Eastvale Logging Camp
.go 0 -9136.28 -1053.89 70.624 Hero's Vigil
.go 0 -9325.33 -1038.92 65.3535 Stone Cairn Lake

Hillsbrad Foothills:
.go 0 -898.266 -1044.33 30.3478 Nethander Stead
.go 0 -1266.15 -1198.95 40.1765 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
.go 0 -489.832 -1391.35 53.3854 Durnholde Keep
.go 0 -821.604 -544.654 15.0387 Southshore Human Harbor Town
.go 0 -1019.67 -359.442 5.13463 Western Strand
.go 0 -1234.91 -943.205 8.62585 Eastern Strand
.go 0 -501.505 91.4121 59.0582 Hillsbrad Fields Human Town
.go 0 -870.601 233.102 9.93092 Unknown Mine
.go 0 -28.1484 -899.243 56.0704 Tarren Mill

.go 0 724.846 -3996.11 149.735 Seradene Night Elf Portal and Giant World Tree
.go 0 362.039 -3796.03 153.998 Skulk Rock
.go 0 -69.8514 -4536 7.28923 Overlook Cliffs
.go 0 -678.757 -4018.61 238.351 Jintha'Alor
.go 0 -295.384 -3459.12 194.005 The Altar of Zul
.go 0 -464.208 -2837.23 110.073 Shadra'Alor
.go 0 266.941 -2751.41 122.544 Quel'Danil Night Elf Lodge
.go 0 -35.7245 -2479.51 120.423 Zun'Watha
.go 0 327.814 -1959.99 197.724 Aerie Peak

Loch Modan:
.go 0 -5335.61 -2982.58 332.669 Thelsamar
.go 0 -5201.86 -3136.59 298.761 The Loch Lake
.go 0 -4939.1 -3423.74 305.595 Wreck from Battle
.go 0 -4871.78 -4025.77 313.141 Mo'Grosh Stronghold
.go 0 -5675.42 -4244.87 407.002 Purple Night Elf Building
.go 0 -5755.53 -3998.42 330.436 Ironband's Excavation Site
.go 0 -4771.99 -3329.01 345.504 Stonewrough Dam
.go 0 -4231.86 -2361.37 204.069 Dun Algaz

.go 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
.go 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
.go 0 -2200.52 -1685.18 -34.4569 The Drowned Reef

Red Ridge Mountains:
.go 0 -9319 -1937.94 58.0698 Lake Everstill
.go 0 -9282.98 -2269.64 69.39 Lakeshire
.go 0 -9168.66 -2726.31 90.0426 Alther's Mill
.go 0 -9385.46 -3039.27 139.437 Stonewatch
.go 0 -8687.39 -2330.38 155.916 Orc Outpost

Searing Gorge:
.go 0 -6892.24 -1342.38 239.913 The Cauldron
.go 0 -7317.34 -1072.33 277.069 Blackrock Mountain
.go 0 -6986.92 -1705.54 241.667 Grimeslit Dig Site

Silverpine Forest:
.go 0 -126.954 815.624 66.0224 Ambermill
.go 0 -416.466 1543.87 17.5941 Pyrewood Village
.go 0 -202.557 1666.88 79.7641 Shadowfang Keep
.go 0 -577.865 1807.08 8.2492 South Tide's Run
.go 0 -757.376 1527.28 17.2465 The Greymane Wall
.go 0 -987.449 1585.69 53.4298 Behind The Greymane Wall Unfinished Location
.go 0 374.222 1083.9 106.509 Mine
.go 0 507.784 1611.33 124.921 The Sepulcher
.go 0 134.209 1496.64 114.394 Olsen's Farthing
.go 0 675.698 974.873 34.8849 The Decrepit Fairy
.go 0 762.653 909.072 31.2142 Lordamere Lake
.go 0 731.866 727.793 37.0975 Fenris Isle
.go 0 960.45 689.611 59.7365 Fenris Isle Fortress Ruins
.go 0 982.34 201.239 34.9509 The Dawning Isles
.go 0 1414.28 1073.22 52.4649 Malden's Orchard
.go 0 1285.69 1242.33 52.6914 The Ivar Patch
.go 0 964.877 1238.75 48.0979 Valgan's Field
.go 0 1035.91 1540.85 30.525 The Dead Field
.go 0 1293.65 1957.71 19.5619 The Skittering Dark
.go 0 873.391 1852.5 5.0548 North Tide's Run

Strangelthon Vale:
.go 0 -14692.4 506.162 1.78241 Wild Shore
.go 0 -14740.7 -432.482 4.00624 Jaguero Isle (Statue of Liberty)
.go 0 -14406.6 419.353 22.3907 Booty Bay
.go 0 -14178.2 712.03 29.1868 Janeiro's Point
.go 0 -13274.4 769.951 2.45505 The Savage Coast
.go 0 -13382.6 2.10815 21.8683 Ruins of Jubuwal
.go 0 -13152.9 342.729 52.1328 Arena
.go 0 -12352.8 211.452 4.5846 Grom'Gol Base Camp
.go 0 -11977.4 332.254 3.20626 Bal'lal Ruins
.go 0 -12258.9 621.105 -68.3247 The Vile Reef
.go 0 -11683.1 925.209 3.64735 Zuuldaia Ruins
.go 0 -11693.9 702.532 49.9689 Ruins of Zul'Kunda
.go 0 -11586.5 -657.662 32.9941 Kurzen's Compound
.go 0 -11845 -1199.29 77.2075 Unfinished Temple
.go 0 -11712.7 -1758.67 22.4509 Random Bay Ruins
.go 0 -11988 -1484.99 78.9735 Floating Bridge
.go 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Unfinished Hills
.go 0 -11311.5 -195.19 76.3198 Rebel Camp

Swamp of Sorrows:
.go 0 -10103.4 -2431.61 28.4491 Misty Valley
.go 0 -10452.5 -3263.59 20.1782 Stonard Orc Outpost
.go 0 -9980.38 -3568.28 22.0569 Fallow Sanctuary Murloc Outpost
.go 0 -10022.2 -4266.67 7.26064 Mistyreed Strand
.go 0 -10303.5 -3972.28 20.2882 Pool of Tears
.go 0 -10349.1 -3849.67 -25.6078 Sunken Temple

Trisfal Glades:
.go 0 1871.14 1587.91 91.2143 Deathknell
.go 0 2268.03 1333.63 34.7835 Solliden Farmstead
.go 0 2538.92 1407.01 5.69061 Whispering Shore
.go 0 2803.27 847.119 111.841 Agamand Mills
.go 0 2861.67 398.526 21.1504 Garren's Haunt
.go 0 2955.79 99.8215 3.32947 The North Coast
.go 0 2685.13 -198.851 31.4095 Brightwater Lake
.go 0 2563.98 -51.7975 31.7441 Gunther's Retreat
.go 0 2260.64 289.021 34.1291 Brill Forsaken Village
.go 0 2146.99 658.485 33.59 Cold Hearth Manor
.go 0 1832.44 236.426 60.4171 Ruins of Lordaeron
.go 0 1628.3 239.925 64.5006 The Throne Room
.go 0 1586.48 239.562 -52.149 The Undercity Trade Quarter
.go 0 1614.68 643.289 37.0547 The Undercity Caves
.go 0 1658.95 303.76 -42.6923 The Undercity War Quarter
.go 0 1786.82 47.9279 -29.1457 The Undercity Magic Quarter
.go 0 1466.11 49.6445 -62.2932 The Undercity Rogue's Quarter
.go 0 1410.31 430.512 -80.3588 The Undercity The Apothecarium
.go 0 2032.01 -432.954 35.4329 Balnir Farmstead
.go 0 2795.02 -753.797 138.036 Whispering Gardens
.go 0 2922.59 -740.071 153.983 Terrace of Repose
.go 0 2853.92 -718.217 148.381 Unfinished Mansion
.go 0 3040.8 -552.374 122.216 Scarlet Watch Post
.go 0 1716.02 -788.217 56.844 The Bulwark

Western Plaguelands:
.go 0 1386.47 -1518.8 72.4034 Ruins of Anderhol
.go 0 1064.09 -1718.04 61.1348 Sorrow Hill
.go 0 981.477 -1821.84 80.4872 Paladin Statue
.go 0 1738.52 -2319.93 59.5751 Gahrron's Withering
.go 0 1487.77 -1884.87 59.2039 The Writhing Haunt
.go 0 1835.04 -1568.1 59.1818 Dalson's Tears
.go 0 1782.26 -1211.93 59.4057 Felstone Field
.go 0 2423.42 -1646.44 60.5098 Northridge Lumber Camp
.go 0 2918.72 -1439.39 150.782 Hearthglenn

.go 0 -10510 1046.89 60.518 Sentinel Hill
.go 0 -11018.4 1513.69 43.0152 Moonbrook Westfall
.go 0 -10644.8 1681.3 42.0338 Alexston Farmsted
.go 0 -10513.9 2075.23 12.1819 Longshore
.go 0 -10171.8 1195.41 36.4345 Saldean's Farm
.go 0 -11399.2 1947.85 10.1451 Westfall Lighthouse
.go 0 -9903.53 1245.26 42.0563 Furlbrow's Pumpkin Patch

.go 0 -4053.99 -3450.62 283.383 Unknown Big Dwarf City
.go 0 -3465.16 -3727.56 64.5778 Big Broken Gates
.go 0 -3256.88 -2718.36 9.41205 Weird Flowers
.go 0 -2849.21 -2220.06 31.3835 Ironbead's Tomb
.go 0 -2955 -1022.21 10.0919 Baradin Bay
.go 0 -3754.19 -1087.3 -1.71875 Menethil Bay
.go 0 -3740.29 -755.08 10.9643 Menethil Harbor
.go 0 -2605.21 -2341.09 83.3551 Dun Modr
.go 0 -2336.47 -2509.82 85.2212 Thandol Span
.go 0 -3522.96 -1848.58 25.1502 Whelgar's Excavation Site


.go 1 2867.03 -2595.67 219.911 Xavian
.go 1 2745.85 -378.33 108.253 Astrnaar
.go 1 3155 -3702 121 Night Elf Portal
.go 1 4577.61 419.307 33.7161 Master's Glaive
.go 1 2439.16 -3500.08 98.5954 Kargathia Orc Outpost
.go 1 2757.59 -2967.58 143.882 Satyrnaar
.go 1 2454.38 -2943.27 124 Moonwell
.go 1 2114.86 -2998.32 111.396 Felfire Hill
.go 1 1626.91 -3057.36 89.4942 Demon Fall Canyon
.go 1 1775.1 -2679.19 111.666 The Dor'danil Barrow Den
.go 1 1669.74 -1714.14 97.9564 Falfarren River
.go 1 2673.51 -1859.72 188.112 Raynewood Retreat

.go 1 3466.36 -6656.29 -58.5217 Underwater Dark Portal
.go 1 3546.8 -5287.96 109.935 Aszhara Naga City

.go 1 -1719.08 -3824.99 12.0836 Barrens Merchant Coast
.go 1 -3120.86 -2327.89 93.1243 Barrens Field of Giants
.go 1 -4095.7 -2305.74 124.914 Bael Modan
.go 1 -4319.38 -2110.38 80.8662 Barrens Gnoll Outpost Inside a Giant Beast
.go 1 -4619.15 -1850.91 86.0563 Barrens The Great Lift
.go 1 -2388.95 -1918.82 96.7422 Camp Taurajo
.go 1 -964.776 -2039.74 81.3491 Lushwater Oasis
.go 1 -1330.17 -3120.07 91.6667 The Stagnant Oasis
.go 1 -943.935 -3715.49 11.8385 Ratchet Troll Port Outpost
.go 1 -456.263 -2652.7 95.615 The Crossroads
.go 1 110.197 -1891.39 93.5444 The Forgotten Pools
.go 1 1059.54 -3003.53 91.6441 The Sludge Fen

Dark Shore:
.go 1 4995.94 82.9197 54.3857 Grove of The Ancients
.go 1 5028.14 534.745 7.28397 The Long Wash
.go 1 6439.28 614.957 5.98831 Auberdine
.go 1 6735.43 6.71422 42.7028 Bashal'Aran
.go 1 6931.74 -569.077 44.8192 Cliffspring River
.go 1 7177.46 -761.607 59.6101 Tower of Althalaxx
.go 1 7373.38 -938.331 32.6196 Ruins of Mathystra
.go 1 7742.92 -769.867 5.22102 Mist's Edge

.go 1 -439.192 1708.22 125.856 Thunder Axe Fortress
.go 1 -242.347 764.848 98.7113 Sargeron
.go 1 -939.787 1091.4 93.8119 Kolkar Village
.go 1 -1754.33 967.89 92.5626 Magram Village
.go 1 -1879.28 1745.49 78.8892 Mannoroc Coven
.go 1 -2222.47 2522.4 68.4424 Gelkis Village
.go 1 -1482.87 2855.86 112.854 Valley of Spears
.go 1 -592.792 2592.84 15.467 Sar'Theris Strand
.go 1 -1305.19 1837.56 55.731 Kodo Graveyard
.go 1 -1156.34 1894.49 86.2854 Ghost Walker Post

.go 1 6200 -1035 387 Three Frozen Ancients
.go 1 3652.24 928.308 7.01517 Zoram's Stand

.go 1 -4358.88 3241 12.3636 Feralas Island Night Elf City
.go 1 -2871.76 1885.29 52.6501 Feralas
.go 1 -2858.35 2611.48 58.3777 Feralas Ruins
.go 1 -4522.22 2038.54 50.1436 Feralas Coast
.go 1 -5566.04 1449.82 20.1135 Big Feralas Ruins
.go 1 -4369.68 242.294 25.4133 Tauren Village
.go 1 -4517.1 -780.415 -40.736 Thalanaar

.go 1 -1124.19 -5535.02 8.62076 Echo Isles
.go 1 -636.469 -4243.52 38.1339 Valley of Trials Bindpoint
.go 1 -844.586 -4924.29 20.8708 Sen'Jin Village
.go 1 -1028.63 -4599.8 25.5756 Kolkar Crag
.go 1 -250.245 -5070.41 22.5875 Tiragarde Keep
.go 1 242.548 -5151.46 1.60441 Scuttle Coast
.go 1 304.762 -4734.97 9.30458 Razorhill
.go 1 114.769 -3758.95 17.8907 Southfury River
.go 1 925.127 -4038.29 -13.338 Thunder Ridge
.go 1 1484.36 -4417.03 24.4709 Orgimmar
.go 1 1525.73 -4968.13 17.1397 Bladefist Bay
.go 1 918.715 -5115.69 2.85835 Deadeye Shore

Dustwallow Marsh:
.go 1 -3719.26 -2530.63 69.58 Shady Rest Inn
.go 1 -3922.24 -2839.21 44.6212 Lost Point
.go 1 -4336.82 -3018.67 33.1744 The Den of Flame
.go 1 -4197.56 -2873.76 44.6771 The Dragonmurk
.go 1 -4354.46 -3275.34 46.0475 Stonemaul Ruins
.go 1 -4006.19 -3777.83 40.6804 Beezil's Zepellins Wreck
.go 1 -3129.38 -2864.51 34.8711 Brackenwall Orc Village
.go 1 -2855.96 -3422.66 36.7473 North Point Tower
.go 1 -3459.39 -4130.3 16.3786 Sentry Point
.go 1 -3012.72 -4345.51 6.83608 Dreadmurk Shore

.go 1 -2321.74 -378.941 -9.40597 Bloodhoof Tauren Village
.go 1 -2905.3 -253.768 56.0612 Tauren Camp Narache
.go 1 -2933.37 -963.993 58.2343 Brambleblade Ravine
.go 1 -2928.26 -46.1054 188.892 Red Cloud Mesa
.go 1 -1897.98 400.675 134.787 Bael'Dun Digside
.go 1 -758.744 -149.474 -27.712 Wildmane Water Well
.go 1 -1008.68 -1115.72 46.046 Red Rocks
.go 1 -1915.66 -1107.44 87.572 Mulgore Mine

Shimmering Flats:
.go 1 -6495.56 -3472.69 -58.7786 The Rustmaul Dig Site
.go 1 -6202.16 -3901.68 -60.2858 The Racetrack

South Kalimdor:
.go 1 -6942.47 -4847.1 0.667853 Tanaris
.go 1 -7434.56 -1983.21 -270.149 Ungoro Crater
.go 1 -7866.75 -630.03 -260.563 Terror Run
.go 1 -8185.09 1528.22 2.98973 Floating Crystal Gates
.go 1 -9678.11 1530.11 43.025 Unkown City
.go 1 -7245.6 1678.94 -65.9066 Nerubian Pits

Stonetalon Mountains:
.go 1 -239.089 -809.973 8.78944 Stonetalon Mountains
.go 1 -87.9634 -565.775 -12.1339 Greatwood Vale
.go 1 -191.661 -301.87 12.2698 Sunrock Retreat
.go 1 1160.25 51.3229 1.072 Windshear Crag
.go 1 1618.33 161.796 133.084 Cragpool Lake
.go 1 2506.3 1470.14 262.722 Stonetalon Peak
.go 1 821.99 1599.07 -21.1896 Charred Vale

Thousand Needles:
.go 1 -5437.4 -2437.47 89.3083 Freewood Post
.go 1 -5467.33 -1633.45 29.4245 The Screeching Canyon
.go 1 -5000.46 -940.209 -5.58816 Highperch

.go 1 9892.57 982.424 1313.83 Dolanaar
.go 1 9477.19 1005.74 1249.01 Lake Al'Ameth
.go 1 9114.65 1846.06 1327.5 Gnarlpine Hold
.go 1 9561.33 1743 1291.91 Pools of Arilthrien
.go 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
.go 1 10699.8 738.73 1325.881 Shadowglen
.go 1 10455.7 798.455 1346.75 Aldrassil

Theramore Isle:
.go 1 -3688.18 -4760.14 0.909682 Theramore Isle Lighthouse
.go 1 -3729.36 -4421.41 30.4474 - Theramore Isle City

Secret/Hard to get to Locations:

.go 1 -12352.9 3055.12 15.6725 Developer's Playground
.go 1 -10082.2 -5656.43 6.24787 Goblin Obeservatory
.go 1 -11700.4 2282.02 -11.8416 Underwater Developer's Playground
.go 1 10389 -1886.06 183.379 Desert Outpost with a Waterfall
.go 1 7503.31 -4388.79 725.559 Winterspring Ice World
.go 1 4674.88 -3638.37 965.264 Hyjal
.go 1 5300.18 -2292.83 944.186 Hyjal Plains Unifinished Location
.go 1 4491.35 -3201.77 1026.57 Hyjal Cool Ancient Statue
.go 0 5333.04 -4795.84 0 Weird Flat Lands Place (Quel'Thalas?)
.go 0 3602.47 -1142.69 1.03249e-007 Mountains in Flat Lands (Quel'Thalas?)
.go 0 -9549.58 -4939.88 174.657 Cool Piece
Temp edit: Can I get a moderator to sticky this post? It's something I believe all people here can benefit from more if it were stickied.

Why do put all this time and effort into this guide? Well, as a person who has never been in the beta aside from the stress test, I was pretty angry that the beta testers that were in it since phase one will have such a huge advantage over people that didn’t get in when retail comes. But with this guide and the work I put towards it, it allows me to memorize nearly every square mile of the virtual terrain, even of areas that will never be seen by closed testers. So in a way, I’ll have a bit of an advantage over them when I finally get to end game content areas in terms of terrain navigation. Am I spoiling the game for myself? Well, considering there’s no map objects, nor anything else in this I find I am loosing very little when I explore ahead of the closed testers into these areas. This guide in effect, is my way of evening the playing field somewhat in retail with long term closed beta testers.

With the second revision of this I thought what could I do to make this listing a bit better? I am still working on cataloging individual areas when I am motivated enough to do those. But one thing I found blizzard was doing with instance ID’s was actually putting their real map enterence coordinates as the location for the instance enterence coordinates. And I have also found a few instance gates which have no ID’s listed in the map.dbc file yet, to add those in this guide and make sure they were not out of place, I added world location coordinates to every instance gate in the game thus far discovered by me. This allows you to explore the area around the instance first, and then explore the actual inside of it. It also helps that you will know where the instance will be in the game when it goes retail as well. Anything with a N/A on it for a Map Location coordinate means it’s either not available, or it hasn’t been found yet.

First and foremost, thanks to WantedMan for confirming all my world port ID’s with the official decoded map.dbc file, and supplying me with the utility to decode them for faster reporting of new area’s as they open, and now onto the Catalog.

The formats of the ID’s are as follows:
Zone ID=-=-=-=-=Higher Left/Right=-=-Lower North up/South down =-Ascend/Descend
<WorldportID>=-<X coordinate>=-=-=-<Y Coordinate>=-=-=-=-=-=-=<Z Coordinate>
For the team python servers, as of now it will crash after you worldport though logging in again will start you out as the destination worldport. When moving about, then remove the <WorldportID> portion and use the .move command. EX: .move 1320, 260, 76

O next to an ID means you will fall into a white void upon entering, though there’s still the possibility that there’s something in the instance, just not found yet. So do random world porting in this to find land and help me complete this catalog. Also, if you want to help, type ‘fog’ in the console to disable fog so you can see further. As of 0.10.0 the fog command has been disabled.

Working ID's: 0, 1, 2, 13, 17, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 70, 90, 109, 129, 169, 189, 209, 229, 230, 249 269, 289, 309, 329, 349, 369, 389, 409, 429, 449, 450, 451 and 469 all work.

Bad Zone ID's
3-12, 14-16, 18-24, 26-28, 31-32, 38-41, 45-46, 49-69, 71-89, 91-108, 110-128, 130-168, 170-188, 191-208, 210-228, 231-248, 250-268, 270-288, 290-308, 328-348, 350-368, 370-388, 390-408, 410-428, 430-448, 452-468.

Do not attempt to worldport to any of the zone ID’s in the Bad Zone ID's range, your client will crash and be unable to log in with that character again unless your running Team Pythons server and edit the character database to have your character in a safe location again. The same goes for bugged areas on programmer’s isle.
Notes on discovering new areas:
I’ve found a few tricks when it comes to finding a new area when I patch comes out and there is nothing at the standard coordinates 0, 0, 500. First that is try in increments of about 200 units that usually works quite well, and gives you little chance for missing something. Second would then be to look at the past few ID’s and determine a pattern, as of recent, it was every other 20 ID’s was a valid dungeon ID. Turns out that it hiccupped in 0.11.0 but that’s what the map.dbc file is for. Third is more recently you can try to go to the actual instance gate, type in dloc in the console, get the coordinates of the place, then try worldporting to them in the instance your looking around in. That worked for me and helped discover the two raid instances in 0.11.0. Other then that, it’s basically a lot of patience with trial and error, searching and searching until you find something. With all that said, get exploring!
0 = Azeroth – Eastern Kingdoms
Map Location = N/A
.move world 0, 0, 0, 100
This will land you somewhere near Dalaran in the Alterac Mountain Range, it was the meeting spot in Beta 1 when world porting was publicly accessible.
1 = Kalimdor
Map Location = N/A
.move world 0, 0, 0, 500
This will land you somewhere in the Stone Talon mountains, not much I can say about this place.
O 2 = UnderMine (Blank)
Map Location = N/A
.move world 2, 0, 0, 500
Currently, when I worldport into this ID, I can not find land to set down on, currently I believe this to be blank, should anyone find land, PM me, or post the coordinates here.
13 = test
Map Location = N/A
.move world 13, 0, 0, 0
This is a small test instance, 3 large cubes inside each other, nothing else here, very bland and not to interesting.

17 = Kalidar
Map Location = N/A - Undiscovered
.move world 17, 1320, 260, 76 (Top of Castle)
.move world 17, 3305.46, 609.966, 39.5909 (In development area)
.move world 17, 3049.02, -505.125, 77.0384 (Snow Area, Alliance Side)
.move world 17, 2876.37, -762.631, 21.3474 (Snow Area, Horde Side)
.move world 17, 3707.52, -1190.21, 0 (Test VI Lettering)
.move world 17, 3102.9, -2319.38, 2 (Teldrassil roots section)
Some kind of battle field instance, I have as of yet to find a red portal which indicates a battle field instance. The Worldport starts you out onto of a castle surrounded by a mote, it’s a mirror image on each side, one side has a tower and gold mine, and the other side has one to, my guess it’s a capture the flag type area.
25 = ScottTest
Map Location = N/A
.move world 25, 0, 0, 500
ERROR #0 (0x85100000) Program: F:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
File: C:\build\buildWoW\WoW\Source\WorldClient\MapLoad.cpp
Line: 271
Expr: wdtFile
That is the error I get when I try and worldport into that. Don’t attempt to worldport here.
29 = Test
Map Location = N/A
.move world 29, 0, 0, 0
The exact same thing as worldport 13, 3 cubes inside each other, each one getting bigger, very bad instance, as the center cube is about the size of a small closet, period. Don’t bother world porting here.
30 = PVPZone01
Map Location = N/A – Undiscovered
.move world 30, -219.279, -283.455, 4.89101 (Snow Area, middle of impact crater)
.move world 30, -6.34645, -411.184, 45.4318 (Snow Area, Alliance Starting Area)
.move world 30, -503.745, -194.215, 58.5942 (Snow Area, Horde Starting Area)
.move world 30, -1231.66, 453.486, 138.972 (Deadwind Pass/Bad Lands portion)
.move world 30, 607.377, -1041.68, 112.675 (Second Badlands portion, overlooking a test IV sign)

.move world 30, 669.224, 346.28, 138.129 (Deadwind Pass portion)
This started as a multiple instance area in beta 1 and 2, where multiple sections of maps were pasted into one giant battle ground, like the Blasted Lands, Medivhs tower, Tanaris, Dun Morgoh. Now it seems is a bit broken up and Dun Morgoh is the biggest portion.
33 = Shadowfang
Map Location = .move world 0, -232.189, 1568.8, 76.8921 (Enterence)
.move world 33, -241, 2079, 77 (Main Bridge Enterence)
.move world 33, -211.367, 2197.26, 79.7633 (Main Courtyard)
.move world 33, -270.835, 2295.69, 76.9719 (Dinner Hall)
.move world 33, -267.127, 2151.72, 95.7755 (Overlook of Pyrewood Village)
.move world 33, -146.23, 2172.71, 127.953 (Top of Main Tower Floor 1)
.move world 33, -83.1988, 2153.63, 155.629 (Top of Main Tower Floor 2)
.move world 33, -260.433, 2113.79, 128.202 (Tower Outlook)
Shadowfang Keep - Level 18-25 - Silverpine Forest
This is a big castle in the silver pine forest area close by the Ruins of Lorderon. The worldport starts you out at the enterence.
34 = StormwindJail
Map Location = .move world 0, -8768.85, 842.871, 89.4151 (Enterence)
.move world 34, 28, 1, -9 (Main Enterence)
.move world 34, 153.006, 108.394, -35.1896 (End of block A)
.move world 34, 102.751, -106.511, -35.1896 (End of block B)

The Stockades - Level 23-26 – Stormwind

This starts you out at the enterence, walk down the stairs. Not to big of an instance, a few jail cells and torture looking devices.
35 = Stormwind Vault
Map Location = .move world 0, -8643.74, 595.867, 95.7033 (Enterence)
.move world 35, -1, -9, -5 (Enterence)
.move world 35, -1.14688, 115.714, -40.0507 (Beneath Grating)
.move world 35, -99.6878, 148.892, -40.3822 (Vault)

This starts you out at the enterence, walk down the stairs, quite similar to Stormwind Jail, a bit bigger and a few more rooms.
36 = DeadminesInstance
Map Location = .move world 0, -11208.2, 1673.74, 24.628 (Enterence)
.move world 36, -14.6997, -393.778, 63.7404 (Enterence)
.move world 36, -289.545, -504.035, 50.0564 (Mast Room)
.move world 36, -198.048, -556.252, 51.2294 (Goblin Foundry)
.move world 36, 0.502815, -779.344, 9.7818 (Ironclad Cove – Contested Territory)
.move world 36, -108, -999, 35 (Exit)
Map Location = .move world 0 -11339.4, 1567.36, 99.6446 (Exit)

Deadmines - Level 15-20 – Westfall

The depths of the Deadmines are full of the slaves of the Defias brotherhood. Set to work tirelessly to fund the brotherhood.

The first ID is the enterence to the dead mines, a mining area, and head through the portal to explore. The last one is at the exit to the Dead mines, don’t head back through the portal.
37 = PVPZone02
Map Location = N/A Unknown
.move world 37, -443, -1004, 436 (Alliance Start Point)

.move world 37, -634, -492, 385 (Horde Start Point)
A very snowy area, quite possibly close to Northrend, simple battle field instance, each side has a tower and ya go at it.
42 = Collin
Map Location = N/A Unknown
.move world 42, 0, 0, 0
The same as worldport’s 13 and 29, this is a test area to. Three cubes inside each other, Isn’t worth your time, though I post it here for completeness.
43 = WailingCaverns
Map Location = .move world 1, -740.091, -2215.73, 16.247 (Enterence)
.move world 43, -163, 133, -72
Wailing Caverns - Level 15-21 - The Barrens
This is some kind of ancient dinosaur area underground. The worldport starts you out at the enterence, which you can quickly find raptor eggs, and at the end of the dungeon a giant waterfall nest type area. Looks like trolls might be here to.
44 = Monastry
Map Location = .move world 0, 2889.91, -811.148, 160.332 (Enterence)
.move world 44, 72, 0, 19
The Scarlet Monastery - Level 30-40 - Tirisfal Glades
This starts you out at the enterence; walk up the stairs and through the portal to enter. You will have to worldport through an invisible wall to enter. This is the scarlet Monastry, though I doubt this will be the version in the retail as there’s another version more close to the current setup of the Monastry.
47 = RazorfenKraulInstance
Map Location = .move world 1, -4467.63, -1670.51, 81.8819
.move world 47, 1931, 1527, 83
Razorfen Kraul - Level 25-31 - The Barrens
This starts you out in a Razorfen Den enterence. Cool looking area with brambles and bones about. May also be for harpies to as there’s some nest that suggest that.
48 = Blackfathom Deeps

Map Location = .move fast 1 7201.45, -841.771, -1.27055
.move world 48, -150, 106, -38
Blackfathom Deeps - Level 20-27 - Darkshore
A VERY cool area, highly recommended exploring, lots of giant wisp circling roots here, and furthering down in it there is a Naga temple with a statue of lady Vashj. Worldport starts you out at the enterence.
70 = Uldaman
Map Location = .move world 0 -6066.9, -2952.9, 209.772 (Enterence 1)
.move world 70, -228, 31, -45 (Enterence 1)

.move world 70, -213, 372, -35 (Enterence 2)
Map Location = .move world 0 -6621.29, -3765.47, 266.356 (Enterence 2)

Uldaman - Level 35-45 - The Badlands
The infamous and one of the ancestral homes of the dwarfs! Extremely cool place to explore. First worldport starts you out at the enterence, while the second I believe starts you out the exit, but I have yet to find this on Azeroth, leading me to believe that it goes deeper still, into undermine possibly.
90 = GnomeragonInstance
Map Location = .move world 0 -5162.81, 924.722, 257.177 (Tunnel Enterence)
.move world 90, -330, -2, -151 (Tunnel Enterence)

.move world 90, -708, 2, -242 (Hallway Entrance)
Map Location = .move world 0 -4859.57, 757.622, 244.924 (Hallway Entrance)

Gnomeregan - Level 24-33 - Dun Morogh
The home of the gnomes! Very cool area, lots of machinery, very industrial looking, and the first worldport starts you out by a collapsed tunnel with a machine there trying to dig it away. While the other one is at a simple, but very long hallway. Possible one of the best area’s to explore.
109 = The Temple of Atal`Hakkar (Formerly known as the Sunken Temple)
Map Location = .move world 0 -10183.4, -3993.96, -109.195 (Enterence)
.move world 109, -269, 100, -118 (Enterence)
The Sunken Temple - Level 44-50 - Swamp of Sorrows
The higher the worldport ID’s go, the cooler the area’s seem to get. This area is under a lake, unknown of how to reach at the moment other then world porting. This worldport starts you at the enterence. The whole area seems to have an occult look to it, many alters and sacrificial pits around the place. Quite dark and looks as if it has been abandoned for some time.
129 = RazorfenDowns
Map Location = .move world 1, -4658.32, -2524.85, 81.3465
.move world 129, 2593, 1100, 52
Razorfen Downs - Level 35-40 - The Barrens
While this crashed in Beta 2, it works in Beta 3! This area is quite similar to its cousin RazorfenKraul. There are many stones around here suggestion a close relationship between harpies and Razorfen’s. There is also a giant Razorfen alter here that looks to be used for worship, its better then RazorfenKraul in my opinion.
Beta 2 Additions:
169 = EmeraldDream
Map Location = .move world 0 -10377.2, -421.704, 63.6252 (Rumored Enterence)
.move world 169, 3105.41, 3096.78, 27.0032 Emerald Forest (Statue)

.move world 169, -2128.12, -1005.89, 132.213 - The Verdant Fields

.move world 169, 2732.93, -3319.63, 101.284 {Emerald Forest (Trees)}

The area of all area’s to explore. This in conjunction with BlackRockSpire is the best area’s to explore. The objects already in here are utterly amazing. Explore this area NOW! First ID starts you out in front of a weird statue and a couple of objects witch look like Indian dream catchers. The second one starts you in some endless fields which have HUGE flowers. Third starts you in a forest with trees that rival ones on Dranor/Outland.

189 = MonasteryInstances
Map Location = .move world 0 2889.91, -811.148, 160.332 (Enterence)
.move world 189, 254, -208, 19 (Enterence)
The Scarlet Monastery - Level 30-40 - Tirisfal Glades
The updated Scarlet Monastery which I think will be in retail. Pretty small, though a lot of objects and eye candy to look at. Good area. The worldport ID starts you out at the enterence.
Beta 3 Additions:
Programmers Isle
.move world 0, 16391.8, 16341.2, 69.44 - (Moved to 451 in 0.11.0)
Map Location = N/A

A testing island for programmers, few funny messages written on the ground such as “Chow is my love monkey” Cool area to explore, but don’t go near the coast, as I’ve found that looking under the ground at all crashes the client and screws your character.

Designers Isle
.move world 0, 16303.5, -16173.5, 40.4365 - (Moved to 451 in 0.11.0)
Map Location = N/A

Another very cool area, lots of sea shells looking buildings and a giant temple in the middle. An island for game designers to be blunt, the sea shell buildings may be eventually what will become a Naga City, though, that has yet to be seen.

Map Location = .move world 1, 16222.1, 16252.1, 12.5872 – (GM Island)
209 = Zul`Farrak
Map Location = .move world 1 -6809.68, -2887.04, 8.9234 (Enterence)
.move world 209, 1232.52, 841.765, 8.93945 (Enterence)

Zul'Farrak - Level 43-47 - Tanaris Desert
Also known as the Tanaris instance. This area seems to have statues in remarkable similarity to those in Stranglethorn Vale, possibly a troll area, kind of small and bland in my opinion. The worldport ID starts you out at the enterence.
229 = BlackRockSpire Blackrock Upper Instance
Map Location = .move world 0 -7527.03, -1223.51, 285.732 (Enterence)
.move world 229 80.1406, -237.005, 54.106 – (Enterence)
.move world 229 172.479, -474.532, 116.842 – (Raid Instance enterence)

Found in Beta 0.9.1.

Can we say Halls of Moria from Lord of the Rings? The enterence of this place is likely heavily inspired from the books and movies, lots of dwarf corpses lying around. Place thus far looks like it will be a very hard instance due to it being a complex layout, almost maze like in some parts. Also known is at the end of this there is a raid gate to the Blackwing Lair. I haven’t heard much about this yet as that area isn’t open yet in the official beta likely.
230 = BlackrockDepths Blackrock Lower Instance
Blackrock Depths (48-56 Dungeon)
Map Location = .move world 0 -7182.74, -914.191, 165.49 (Enterence)
.move world 230, 458.098, 34.6597, -69.4462 (Enterence)
.move world 230, 1116.37, -458.124, -102.811 (The Molten Core Raid Enterence)

The best area to explore period, a tad bit better then Emerald Dream. It seems to be an ancient Dwarf/Titan/Gnome city. There’s evidence here suggesting the gnomes lived here because there’s machinery here, while there are stone statues in remarkable similarity to dwarf titans. Most strange of all, there’s an abomination workshop in the depths, no idea what that’s doing there. At the very bottom is a green instance gate. This leads to a raid instance called “The Molten Core”. The worldport takes you to the enterence, where you are free to explore one of the most interesting areas yet in the game.
249 = Onyxia’s Lair Instance (Raid Instance)
Map Location = N/A Undiscovered.
.move world 249 27.607 -61.4587 -4.83827
This is a small, but EXTEREMELY cool looking area. The first raid instance I’ve entered. No idea who Onyxia is but it sounds like a dragon, as there are some smoking and cindering corpses in a dark corner. At the end there’s a LOT of eggs with spikes on them, again, no idea what this area is, but it’s sure to be awesome in retail.
Beta 4 – Version 0.9.1
269 = Caverns of Time
Map Location = .move world 0 -287.016, -430.397, 66.1254 (Eventual Site of Enterence)
.move world 269 3146.18, 2312.06, -146.004 – Enterence
Note: Under Heavy Construction since Beta 4 0.9.1 – Beta 6 0.11.0.
This area… well it’s probably going to be the most unique area in the game, being that the enterence is near Dalaran, and all along the first cave path down you see different pieces of ship wreck or buildings stuck in the walls. Then you get to an open space and it’s a huge star field sky with asteroids spiraling around everywhere. Only problem with it now is that the end area is quite small and not fully developed yet. Hopefully I can post more in the upcoming patches.
289 = School of Necromancy
Map Location = .move world 0, 1265.39, -2556.05, 94.128 (Enterence)
.move world 289 219.583, 112.002, 124.13 – Enterence

Well, this area is kind of bland in my opinion, the whole area is like a catacomb level from Diablo 2, in that respect it’s kind of cool, but there’s nothing particular cool in it aside from at a certain part you can see a circle of skeletons laughing and playing cards. Other then that it’s worth a visit only if you like undead areas.
Beta 5 – Version 0.10.0
309 = Zul`gurub
Map Location = .move 0 -11916.3, -1209.73, 92.2617 (Enterence)
.move world 309 -11917.3, -1244.23, 92.3168 (Enterence)

Kind of a cool area, it’s a dense troll jungle area, with lots of bridges and troll building surrounding a temple in the middle, a lake surrounds the temple so you have to walk in a counter clockwise path over bridges and such to get to it eventually. It’s a cool area if ya like trolls n all.
329 = Straholm
Map Location = .move world 0, 3392.1, -3380.25, 142.727 (Main Enterence)
.move world 329, 3439.85, -3379.25, 140.941 (Main Enterence)

Map Location = .move world 0 3232.94, -4048.01, 108.441 (East wall Gate)
.move world 329, 3591.24, -3643.88, 138.493 (East wall Gate)

.move world 329 3929.57, -3383.43, 119.687 (Raid Gate)

.move world 329 3422.95, -3053.52, 136.498 (The Crimson Throne)

Hideously cool area, fiery red sky once you enter, it’s the city you burned down to the ground in a race against a dreadlord in Warcraft III as Arthas when he was still human while attempting to destroy the plague. While in the 0.10.0 patch, at the area the instance gate lead to an area where an Undead Black Citadel building was floating in the sky! It’s worth it to see that building. Though, as of 0.11.0, they have places a raid gate here so it’s highly likely there will be a raid instance inside the Black Citadel building! I will be updating lightning fast if I do happen to find the instance that Black Citadel in it. Is this a place to visit? Hell yes, goes visit it NOW!
349 = Marudon
Map Location = .move world 0 -1189.61, 2876.48, 85.9689 (Marudon – Purple Crystal Enterence)
.move world 349 751.912, -617.958, -33.1118 – (Marudon – Purple Crystal Enterence)

Map Location = .move world 0 -1421.58, 2680.17, 72.4831 (Marudon - Red Crystal Enterence)
.move world 349 1007.76, -462.063, -43.5609 – (Marudon - Red Crystal Enterence)

Said to be a centaur themed dungeon. Both entrances to this place are covered with mineral patches, probably able to be mined once the area is opened up. The actual instance itself now starts out as possibly and undead/Orc/troll area, as there are many structures suggesting that, and for the first half of the dungeon there is toxic brown water everywhere. Then about half way through, the walls change to a healthy grey stone color and the roof opens up letting sunlight in, the water clears and it’s a very awesome looking area. Further in there are several winding caves and waterfalls that decorate the area, and at the end of this huge instance is what might be a grave site, a mount of earth covered with grass and flowers with antlers sticking out of it, possibly the grave of Cenaurius. One of the larger instances I’ve come across, you’ll be spending a lot of time exploring this place.
369 = Deeprun Tram
Map Location Ironforge Side= .move world 0, -4838.98, -1315.09, 501.868

.move world 369 71.1234, 9.74174, -4.29735 (Deeprun Tram – Iron Forge Side)

Map Location Stormwind Side= .move world 0 -8360.21, 532.16, 91.7969
.move world 369 70.1911, 2490.4, -4.29719 (Deeprun Tram – Stormwind Side)

.move world 369 -9.96166, 1238.17, -126.102 (Deeprun Tram - Underwater area)

A pretty cool area between Stormwind and Ironforge, it’s pretty much a mirror image on both sides, with the typical gnomish looking tunnel about it. The really cool area is the portion that opens up to an underwater landscape which has a few sunken ships near it and other ocean floor life. The underwater part is quite spiffy and makes checking out this small instance worth it.
389 = OrgrimmarInstance (Ragefire Chasm)
Map Location = .move world 1 1812.45, -4413.98, -18.4452 (Enterence)
.move world 389 5.439, -8.5433, -15.758 (Ragefire Chasm Enterence)

This is much like the Onyxia’s Lair instance, though much bigger, there are many more hallways and lava pools then Onyxia’s lair though no really big and large areas to look about in. It seems that blizzard though it only fair to give the horde a instance in their city since the alliance had once in theirs, it’s possible we may see instances put into Ironforge, likely where Old Ironforge is, and then in the Ruins of Lorderon, though where they would fit an instance in is unknown.
Beta 6 – Version 0.11.0 – Additions
409 = the Molten Core (Blackrock Depths Raid Instance)
Blackrock Depths Map Location = .move world 230, 1116.37, -458.124, -102. (Enterence)
.move world 409 1088.57, -457.557, -102.592 (Enterence)

The raid instance at the bottom of Blackrock Depths! A pretty spiffy area, lots of lava flowing everywhere, even on the ceiling! There are also quite a few geysers shooting gas up into the air as well, the whole dungeon seems to loop around back to the enterence eventually, a very cool area to explore, although, there are no interesting structures or look at, mostly just terrain.
429 = Dire Maul (High Elves Area)
Map Location = N/A Supposed area where this is, isn’t developed yet.
.move world 429, -250.854, -33.3498, -2.70243 (Main Enterence Courtyard)
.move world 429, -3, 9.1487, -159.362, -3.4727 (Enterence 1)
.move world 429, -256.431, 23.2414, -2.55959 (Enterence 2)
.move world 429, -52.3906, 196.33, -4.1464 (Enterence 3)
.move world 429, -197.991, 244.191, -27.8801 (Enterence 4)
.move world 429, -7.48323, 836.158, -33.0102 (Enterence 5)
An extremely cool looking area, several entrances into this place and several sections of it as well. There is a Central Courtyard which seems to connect all the entrances, though I warn that the middle of it has no substance to it and you will far forever should you try and walk into it. The area overall is EXTREMELY cool, one of my recommended AAA exploration area’s to explore. There is just so much to check out here it’s hard to explain it all. One part there is a coliseum like area with a blue energy field surrounding it with blue pillar of light on the middle, likely holding something or someone. Another part shows high plant growth on all parts of the dungeon. This is an area definitely that you want to take your time with, and quite possibly the largest instance dungeon in the game.
449 = Alliance PVP Barracks – (Stormwind City) - Stormwind
Map Location = .move world 0 -8761.65, 401.47, 103.906 (Enterence)
.move world 449 0.445956, 9.41431, -0.227239 (Enterence)

A one room instance, barracks for PVP for the Alliance side in Stormwind, every city will probably get one of these eventually. This particular one is just like a small house area, not to much to see unless you’re like me and just have to every instance no matter how small it is.
450 = Horde PVP Barracks (Hall of the Brave) - Orgrimmar
Map Location = .move world 1 1636.03, -4245.17, 56.1671
.move world 450 220.812, 74.3277, 25.7199

This to be a one room instance, it’s like many of the other Orc buildings, except this one will be used as a PVP barrack. It’s just one room like the Alliance version in Stormwind. Not too much in this since you’ve likely seen the building layout in a few other Orc Structures.
451 = Development Land
Map Location = N/A
.move world 451 16391.8, 16341.2, 69.44 - Programmers Island

.move world 451, 16303.5, -16173.5, 40.4365 – Designers Island

Programmers isle is testing island for programmers, few funny messages written on the ground such as “Chow is my love monkey” Cool area to explore, but don’t go near the coast, as I’ve found that looking under the ground at all crashes the client and screws your character. What I mean by that is going to the edge of the map and looking below it with the camera. There is also the sunken temple here as well, though it tends to crash the client. Other things are miscellaneous structures from all races, no new buildings as of yet, a place to likely as they said to test program code, rather then eye candy.

Designer is another very cool area, this has all new buildings that haven’t been implemented into the game yet and might never be. There are several areas here that suggest the development of Naga buildings such as the giant sea shell like buildings close to shore, or the one giant temple like area in the center. A very nice and eye candy area to check out to see what might be coming in retail. This area is definitely worth your time to look over the area.
469 = Blackwing Lair (Blackrock Spire Raid Instance)
Blackrock Spire Map Location = .move world 229 172.479, -474.532, 116.842
.move world 469 -7666.19, -1102.34, 399.679 (Enterence)

Well, this is a pretty dark area, with many spiky looking things strews about the halls. Many, many Orc war banners hung on the walls and throne like areas. Somewhat confusing to navigate due to the lighting issue, though at the end there is a huge balcony overlooking all of Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge.
Bonus Area’s
Slithidus – Currently Blocked to closed testers by a barrier.
Map Location = .move world 1 -7172.89, 560.817, 46.6813 (Zerg Hive)

This area is damn cool, LOTS of the doodads here and other creatures look like things from Starcraft. There are also many Zerg like structures with mineral patches and some vespine gas geysers to.
Map Location = .move world 0 -11894.8, -3206.52, -14.6188 (Supposed Enterence)
.move world 0 -14958.5, 12761.6, 36.0388 (Dark Portal)
Starts you out near THE dark portal to Azeroth, very cool looking, seems like blizzard redesigned all dark portals to look like the one in the intro screen. Close by are also some regular trees in which the roots are entangled around some kind of crystal and floating with the tree mid air.

.move world 0 -14357.7, 12317.8, -2.36 (Ruined Orc Village on a Hill)
Ruined Orc village, looks abandoned, and pretty much like Razor Hill.

.move world 0 -14315.9, 12908.5, -130.907 (Ruined Human settlement)
Same as the Orc place, but ruined. Possibly from the first war in Outland.

.move world 0 -13946.7, 12416.7, -98.4378 (Corpse of a Pit Lord/Manorroth the Destroyer)
Probably the reason you’re going here, a very cool part of Warcraft history. Worldport starts you out at the enterence to the pit where the lord lays.

.move world 0 -13634.8, 12462.3, 4.27872 (Draenei Village)
Draenei Village, looks quite run down, but it seems it could be used for Draenei. Cool looking, though easily mistaken for Tauren houses.

.move world 0 -13602.3, 12776.9, 142.523 (Draenei outlook post)
Top of a giant spire, you can pretty much see everything from here, including the corpse of the pit lord. A giant blue torch lights the top, very cool looking.

.move world 0 -13841.8, 13327.7, -241.797 (Spike Cube)
Worldport starts you out close to some giant spike cube, and in the distance a ruined tower in which chunks of it are floating in the air.
Miscellaneous Information:
GilS.PR] Time's about up, so this will be the last question: Will there be any world events that are scripted like a larger scale Stitches quest in the beta or in retail?

[Katricia] Yes! We plan on having many world events in the game. One of the more epic quests that we plan to include before the end of Beta is the opening of the raid zone, Ahn'Qiraj. During this event, a large number of players will need to ban together to challenge the defenders of the city. The event will take several hours and will involve the entire zone of Silithus.
Area’s to look out for:
??? = Stormwind Player Housing District
Map Location = .move world 0 -8816.95, 463.826, 93.969 (Enterence)

As stated on official beta boards, this gate will eventually lead to player housing in the game.
??? = Karazhan – Medivhs Tower
Map Location = .move world 0 -11101, -1998.06, 49.3307 (Enterence 1)

Map Location = .move world 0 -11037.7, -1999.49, 92.9823 (Enterence 2)

Pardon my language here, but blizzard ****ing raped the look of this tower in this version. They better have done one hell of a job in the inside of this when they design it because currently the tower is about half the size of what is was in versions prior to 0.11.0, and doesn’t look nearly as cool. There are quite a few Orc buildings surrounding this so far with two enterence that I have listed. Hopefully blizzard will surprise me like always and make this area cool as hell again.
??? Unknown Battlefield Instance
Map Location = .move world 0 -29.955, -305.356, 135.518

Found close to Hillsbrad and the Future caverns of time instance. You can enter it, but it’s a typical cave area thus far. As said on the Beta forums, it’s just a place holder until they finish the instance that it will lead to.
??? Dragon Isles
Map Location = N/A
Note: These Islands were in the Alpha but taken out in the beta, I have yet to see them in the game again, but for some reason their names still pop up when going to their spot on the map. It’s possible they might be added in a later version.

Gillijim’s Isle
.move fast 0 -13970.3, 2617.92, -1.5344

Island of Dr Lapidis
.move fast 0 -12186.5, 3420.48, -1.5337



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