player_defense = 2 # players defended by guards, 0 = disabled, 1 = click mode (*), 2 = faster auto mode (**), 3 = auto mode (***)
player_distance = 25 # maximum distance at which guards will defend players
player_reputation = 1 # reputation level required for the help from guards, 0 = neutral, 1 = friendly, etc.
npc_defense = 1 # humanoid and demon npcs defended by their friends, 0 = disabled, 1 = on damage (*), 2 = on aggro (*)
npc_distance = 15 25 # maximum distance at which npcs will defend their friends, first number is for normal npcs, second for elites
npc_health = 40 100 # npcs below this health percentage will start getting help, first number is for normal npcs, second for elites
switch_aggro = 0 # cause the mob to switch its aggro to the guard defending the player (the mob must cast a spell) (**)
use_masterscript = 1 # use MasterScript when player defense is in auto mode, disable this if you use QDB namespaces for questscripts
debug = 0 # display debug information in the console (for testing only)
player_defense = 2 # 守卫保护玩家,0 = 禁止, 1 = 点击模式 (*), 2 = 快速自动模式 (**), 3 = 自动模式 (***)
player_distance = 100 # 守卫会保护玩家的最大距离
player_reputation = 1 # 得到守卫保护的声望等级, 0 = 自然,1 = 友好,以此类推
npc_defense = 1 # 人型和恶魔NPC受同类保护,0 = 禁止, 1 = 受到伤害时 (*), 2 = 仇恨时 (*)
npc_distance = 12 17 # NPC保护同类的最大距离,第一个数字为普通怪,第二个数字为精英怪
npc_health = 40 100 # NPC开始求救的最低生命百分点,第一个数字为普通怪,第二个数字为精英怪
switch_aggro = 0 # 将怪物仇恨转换到保护玩家的守卫(怪物必须施放法术) (**)
use_masterscript = 1 # 保护玩家设为自动模式时使用MasterScript,若任务脚本使用QDB名称集则禁止此项
debug = 0 # 在控制台窗口显示调试信息(仅做测试)
player_defense = 2 # players defended by guards, 0 = disabled, 1 = click mode (*), 2 = faster auto mode (**), 3 = auto mode (***)
player_distance = 25 # maximum distance at which guards will defend players
player_reputation = 1 # reputation level required for the help from guards, 0 = neutral, 1 = friendly, etc.
npc_defense = 1 # humanoid and demon npcs defended by their friends, 0 = disabled, 1 = on damage (*), 2 = on aggro (*)
npc_distance = 15 25 # maximum distance at which npcs will defend their friends, first number is for normal npcs, second for elites
npc_health = 40 100 # npcs below this health percentage will start getting help, first number is for normal npcs, second for elites
switch_aggro = 0 # cause the mob to switch its aggro to the guard defending the player (the mob must cast a spell) (**)
use_masterscript = 1 # use MasterScript when player defense is in auto mode, disable this if you use QDB namespaces for questscripts
debug = 0 # display debug information in the console (for testing only)
player_defense = 2 # 守卫保护玩家,0 = 禁止, 1 = 点击模式 (*), 2 = 快速自动模式 (**), 3 = 自动模式 (***)
player_distance = 100 # 守卫会保护玩家的最大距离
player_reputation = 1 # 得到守卫保护的声望等级, 0 = 自然,1 = 友好,以此类推
npc_defense = 1 # 人型和恶魔NPC受同类保护,0 = 禁止, 1 = 受到伤害时 (*), 2 = 仇恨时 (*)
npc_distance = 12 17 # NPC保护同类的最大距离,第一个数字为普通怪,第二个数字为精英怪
npc_health = 40 100 # NPC开始求救的最低生命百分点,第一个数字为普通怪,第二个数字为精英怪
switch_aggro = 0 # 将怪物仇恨转换到保护玩家的守卫(怪物必须施放法术) (**)
use_masterscript = 1 # 保护玩家设为自动模式时使用MasterScript,若任务脚本使用QDB名称集则禁止此项
debug = 0 # 在控制台窗口显示调试信息(仅做测试)
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